K2 & MK-7 and Why you Might Need Them

K2, also known as menaquinone, is a crucial nutrient that plays several important roles in the body, primarily in bone health and cardiovascular health. Here's why K2 is important and why it's often recommended to take it with vitamin D:

  1. Bone Health: K2 works synergistically with other vitamins and minerals, such as vitamin D and calcium, to support bone health. It helps in the regulation of calcium metabolism, ensuring that calcium is properly deposited into the bones and teeth rather than accumulating in soft tissues like arteries. This process helps to maintain bone density and strength, reducing the risk of osteoporosis and fractures.

  2. Cardiovascular Health: K2 is also believed to have a protective effect on cardiovascular health. It helps to prevent the calcification of arteries by directing calcium away from arterial walls and into the bones where it belongs. This can reduce the risk of arterial stiffness, atherosclerosis, and cardiovascular events like heart attacks and strokes.

  3. Synergistic Relationship with Vitamin D: Vitamin D plays a crucial role in calcium absorption, and it helps to regulate calcium levels in the blood. However, without adequate levels of vitamin K2, the calcium absorbed with the help of vitamin D may not be properly utilized, potentially leading to calcium deposition in arteries and soft tissues rather than in bones. Therefore, taking vitamin K2 along with vitamin D ensures that the calcium absorbed is directed to the bones, promoting bone health and reducing the risk of cardiovascular issues.

  4. Overall Health and Immunity: Beyond bone and cardiovascular health, K2 is also involved in other physiological processes, including cell growth regulation and immune function. Ensuring adequate levels of K2 along with other essential nutrients can support overall health and immunity.


MK-7, also known as menaquinone-7, is a form of vitamin K2. It is one of several different forms of vitamin K2, distinguished by the length of its side chain. MK-7 is produced by bacteria during the fermentation process of certain foods, particularly natto, a traditional Japanese dish made from fermented soybeans.

MK-7 is known for its long half-life compared to other forms of vitamin K2, such as MK-4. This means it remains active in the body for a longer period of time, allowing for more sustained effects. Due to its longer half-life, MK-7 is often preferred for supplementation, as it may require less frequent dosing compared to other forms of vitamin K2.

Like other forms of vitamin K2, MK-7 plays a crucial role in bone health and cardiovascular health by ensuring that calcium is properly utilized, directing it to the bones and teeth rather than accumulating in soft tissues like arteries. It works synergistically with other nutrients, such as vitamin D and calcium, to support overall health.

MK-7 supplements are available in various forms, including capsules and softgels, and are commonly used to support bone health, cardiovascular health, and overall wellbeing. As with any supplement, it's important to consult with a healthcare professional before starting supplementation with MK-7, especially if you have any underlying health conditions or are taking medications.

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